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Meaty Eats
896 Lakeshore Road East
Mississauga, Ontario
L5E 1E1
Shipping /Receiving Dock: East Side of the Building
Phone:  905.278.7999 x 225
Fax:  905.278.0009
Email:  Email Meaty Eats
Questions for the Chef: Have a question for the Chef? Drop him a line, click here
Website:  www.meatyeats.com
Store Hours: Tuesday/Wednesday - 10 - 6
Thursday/Friday - 10 - 8
Saturday - 9 - 3




  Privacy Statement Disclaimer 896 Lakeshore Road East, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5E 1E1
Ph: 905.278.7999  Fx: 905.278.0009  [ email ]  [ map ]